Monday, April 25, 2005

The next big change

I have had to resign as a deacon at Burnt Hickory. The eldership has decided to ask for a "recommitment of the leadership" by May 15. Our family will not be able to meet that deadline. Makes me sad. I may even not be allowed to continue in any other avenue of service - Life Group leader, 5th grade teacher, or worship leader. We'll see.

Makes me sad. Very sad.

I am so frustrated with our tribe/movement. I so want to be free of so much of the dogmatic crap of my heritage (Sorry, there isn't a nicer word. There are several that are less nice...). I don't want to raise my daughters in a fellowship where I have to make (lame) excuses for our position or reputation. I want them to love Jesus, follow Jesus, be committed to Jesus. Not to a fellowship, or a belief system, or to a heritage - though love for all those things is good. Such a love MUST not supplant devotion to Jesus.

The cost of leaving the COC would be very high. I'm trying to count the cost of staying...

Lord, have mercy. Please.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that things have changed for the better in the last few weeks re: your blog about the angst you've been in. I believe, with a bit of 20/20 hindsight, that there has been a bit of over-reaction on both sides of the issue. I pray for balance. We need some folks to become pioneers, but we also need lots of folks to stick to the work that's already begun. I pray for your wisdom to know the difference, and to only go where God leads you and your family.

8:58 AM  

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