Thursday, June 23, 2005


I was in a conversation with a good friend, trying to describe (at a high level) the struggle/process I've been in. I was able to define it a little better this way.

My relationship with God and my relationship with the church have had too much overlap - they've been intertwined too much, to the point where they were hard to distinguish (for me). Like they were Siamese Twins. So I'm now (finally) going through the process of making my relationship with God a related but distinct thing from my relationship with the church. Un-siamesing them. (I just love making up new words.)

BTW, Natalie's quiz results for Theological Worldview were VERY different from mine. She tested out a Wesleyan, with a high percentage of Fundamentalist as well. Pray for us as we work to harmonize our views and chart a path for our family.

Meanwhile, our efforts to re-build (or, really build) a Praise Team at Burnt Hickory CoC begin anew. We have a very talented lady who has sung professionally that is part of our group, and she is willing to give us "group voice lessons" as a part of our weekly rehearsals. I know I'm looking forward to learning to sing more properly - as I get older my vocal stamina isn't what it used to be, and I'm sure it is at least in part because I have developed several bad habits in my singing. Certainly I try to push too much volume.... must be from too much loud guitar music and the consequent hearing loss.

I do dearly love these people I get to work with. However, I still can't say I'm "committed to the work there" yet. Natalie and I spent some time checking out the web site for Northwest Christian Church, which meets at Kennesaw Mountain High School - we pass it on the way to BH every Sunday morning. They are certainly a "Restoration Movement" church also - and therefore have a lot of the same perspectives and ideas that I want to run away from, though they have instrumental music (the big reason that tribe split from the CoC) and they have increased roles for women (including a female worship leader). So we probably won't be checking them out.

Father God, my Redeemer and my Rock, please have mercy on me and grant wisdom to lead my family in following You. Please bless and strengthen me to cherish them and protect their hearts.


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