Thursday, March 02, 2006

Dry season

No, not the weather. Me. I'm sure everyone has this from time to time. Now is my time.

Part of it is just frustration with myself for wrestling with sin and forgiveness. Not wanting to be defined (internally or externally) by my failures.

Part of it is frustration with "the world at large" and how fallen we all are. How silly/stupid so much of what is "important" in the world really is.

Part of it is being associated/affiliated with a religious movement that has turned inward, to the exclusion of personal mission. (a generalization, I know, but I believe it to be generally true - and yet, hopefully, in flux)

Part of it is that I see so much I want to do, but feel trapped. On the other hand, I see so much I want (not need, but want) and I have to deal with that selfishness - another, different kind of trap.

Part of it is that I am wondering just how radical the call of Christ is on my life.

Part of it is I am still adjusting to my new company/culture, and wondering what my best next step is career-wise - and trying to harmonize that wrestling match with all the rest of what I just stated.

Please pray for me. I need to be quiet and just listen to God for a while, I think.


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