Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Thoughts on Repentance and Restitution

1. They are not the same thing.
2. Restitution can be AN evidence of repentance, but is not necessarily required, nor is it the ONLY evidence.
3. Repentance is a change of heart and behavior, restitution is a recognition of the cost to others of the repented-of behavior.
4. We are called by Jesus to repent.
5. Jesus is our propitiation - a fancy word that basically means he provides restitution to God on our behalf for the things that WE must repent of.
6. One current-event-related thought that brought this to mind is the desire of some in our white culture to apologize to black culture for the sins of others (in the past). While I believe with all my heart that slavery was/is WRONG, and I am deeply sorry that anyone had to go through that, I do not believe it is on me to make restitution to anyone currently living.

More to come...


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