Thursday, January 11, 2007


I read Mike Cope's post today and it really struck a chord. Though I do not share Sam Harris' perspectives or conclusions, I do (well, I aspire to) understand his struggle. In some ways Christians have been their own worst enemy. Perhaps in many ways. I absolutely believe this to be true regarding my tribe (the CoC) as well. Honestly - the very idea that a "change agent" would be a danger is to not know Jesus! Good grief! If there is anyone in my life who does not want to leave me as I am it is Him!!! (He accepts me as I am, but refuses to leave me this way.) So often we operate our faith out of NOTHING OTHER THAN FEAR. This, I believe, is at least brushing along the border of sin, if not firmly into that territory.

I guess what frustrates me is that I do not know either the path or the destination to address these concerns - but then, I guess that's why it is called a journey of faith, right?

God, please grant me the faith to journey with you. To walk through the doors that You open without fear or hesitation. To trust that You will fully meet my needs, and will put me to my best use, for Your glory.


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