Friday, July 01, 2005

Heritage and...

As I think, study, pray, read, and dream I wonder about the future of our tribe - the "church of Christ." (have to be sure to have "church" un-capitalized and "Christ" capitalized!)

I know that MANY others have thought and expressed thoughts on this topic. I have no grand revelation to share. It's just what's on my mind, and this is MY BLOG (!) so here goes.

I am thankful for our tribe and our heritage. I am thankful to have been raised in this tribe. I have many wonderful people in my life specifically due to being a part of this tribe. I have many fantastic memories of worship experiences and revelations. I have a love of Jesus and a desire to follow Him. (though my love and my desire are far short of my desire for them - if that makes sense)

Yet when I look back at what my tribe has prepared me for, I'd have to characterize it as "preservation of our tribe." Not furtherance of the Kingdom. Not mission. My heart is yearning for a different walk. A deeper walk. A "getting over myself" kind of walk. Yet in many ways I feel paralyzed by fear. "A spirit of timidity." A reluctance to truly engage the Enemy. (yeah, I capitalize his name too) An addiction to lifestyle - I like being an upper-middle-class American a WHOLE LOT. I'm comfortable with being comfortable - yet in my spirit I know that I am NOT comfortable, and I'm not comfortable with being comfortable.

I don't know where this is heading - either this post, or my walk. Maybe that's a start...


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