Monday, January 15, 2007

Transitions and Expectations

Transitions are happening at BH. One of our elders resigned yesterday, recognizing that a lack of interpersonal skills were making him ineffective in the role. I deeply respect this decision, as it shows a humility and respect for the responsibility of an elder. To be really honest - I also agree with his assessment.

Though I do not know what is coming, it is my understanding that "big things" will be announced this coming Sunday. I'm trying to be optimistic - but I'm not over the learned dread from the past few years. I am still absolutely convinced that the eldership and I are not "on the same page" with where BH needs to go, and how to get there. I am SO OVER so many of the specific implementations of scripture interpretation in the traditional CoC, but at this point do not feel that I have any options other than prayer and patience. I guess those are Spirit-fruit type things, so I suppose I should be glad, right?

One moment that just made my day yesterday. I led the worship in song yesterday, and just as the "preacher man" got up to speak, a young lad (maybe 3 years old) ran across the front of the seats and came to me. He gave me a hug and said, "That sure was some great singin'! Thanks!" Then he ran back to his parents. This child has the gift of encouragement IN SPADES! Even now I'm overwhelmed by his wonderful gesture. Thank you, Lord!


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I recently discovered your blog through the Salleys, so the other night I sat down and read all of your posts from beginning to end in one sitting (and, boy, was my butt tired! J/K). It is very interesting to read in one night what has taken someone several years to live out.

One of your central themes on here seems to be the issues with your congregation, so I am glad for you that things may be looking up. I am blessed to have grown up at (and still worship with) a congregation that has avoided such problems that would lead to division, but I do know how it is to become quite frustrated with C of C traditions and hypocrisy. I can definitely understand the temptation at times to want to leave, but not wanting to bail out on your family (spiritual and physical). (We can tolerate any mess, as long as it is OUR mess.) Anyway, I hope for you that you will soon be rewarded for "hanging in there".


P.S. - Now that I have found this, you will have to do a better job of posting more frequently. It's like discovering a great book series and finally catching up to the latest one, but then having to wait forever for the author to write the final book.

P.P.S. - I am having trouble getting this thing to post. Every time I try to do it it takes forever and eventually hangs up. This problem may be keeping other people from posting comments.

2:16 PM  

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