Tuesday, September 18, 2007

35 reasons I love my wife

1. She is beautiful.
2. She loves me.
3. She forgives me.
4. She tolerates me.
5. She laughs at my jokes.
6. She is a fantastic mom.
7. She loves our girls.
8. She is a wonderful teacher.
9. She is a great cook.
10. She loves Jesus.
11. She is faithful.
12. She is thrifty.
13. She works harder than just about anyone I know.
14. She is unselfish.
15. She reads her Bible every day.
16. She is a great example for our girls for how to be a great wife and mother.
17. She gets and sends cards for all family events.
18. She enjoys the ZOE Conference as much as I do.
19. She is an excellent listener.
20. She is an encourager.
21. She is a gentle reprimander.
22. Her passions run DEEP.
23. She is committed to me.
24. She is committed to our family.
25. She has a gentle spirit.
26. None of your business!
27. My family loves her.
28. She goes to PBC for me and the girls.
29. She "blesses" the house every Friday.
30. She teaches other children with love.
31. She loves the Bible.
32. She is a great friend.
33. She has a wonderful laugh.
34. She has a beautiful smile.
35. She is continually striving to be more like Jesus.

Happy Birthday, my beloved!


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