Monday, April 14, 2008

Shout to the Lord.......?

I publicly admit that I watch American Idol. There, I said it. I enjoy seeing the performers grow (or not). It also gives me opportunities to coach Lauren on what is good and what is not from a performing perspective.

Last week's shows held an odd surprise for me. Though I did not watch the "gives back" show on Wednesday, on Thursday they did a lot (a LOT) of recap, including a reprise of their presentation of "Shout to the Lord." Yeah, THAT "Shout to the Lord." They sang it very well.

My deal is that I just don't know how to process that song from that source. There has been a lot of "Jesus" in the song choices this year, especially during Dolly Parton week. But this was not a choice by an individual singer from a specific song catalog - this was the SHOW's choice of song.

IIRC, when Mandisa sang a Christian-themed song a couple years ago Simon said she was being "indulgent." She was gone right after that.

I'm glad they sang it. I'm especially glad they sang it so well. I hope people were moved by the song and the message. I just have a little issue of credibility with them presenting that song...


Blogger Tommy said...

I have come to a place in my life where I appreciate pretty much anyone at anytime acknowledgeing the Lord's name in a positive way. I think there is power in the name of Jesus Christ and if American Idol will broadcast His name being praised to millions then I'll take it. I agree that it seems weird, but you never know who might be encouraged by hearing that song on that show. Paul said he didn't care if Christ was preached out of envey or conceit, as long as Christ was preached. As far as showing Lauren some great performers, how about Tina Turner, Billy Joel, Elton John? Show her some legends! Becky and I saw Elton here in Charelston not too long ago. I really can't describe the experience of being in the same room with a musician and performer of that magnitude and then listening to him play pretty much every hit he ever had. It was awesome to say the least and I know we throw that word around alot. Say; did you get my latest email? Waiting to hear back from you on that one.

10:38 PM  
Blogger Kacey Leigh said...

I have to admit that the only American Idol I ever watch is the first couple of episodes where everybody makes a fool of themselves. Makes me laugh.

Glad to hear you're doing well! How is your PBC role shifting? I knew Curt wasn't gonna be in charge anymore, but I didn't know other things were changing too.

Well, tell the fam I said hey, and I'll keep you updated on wedding stuff. So far it's going well...we're set on Aug. 8th.

2:49 PM  
Blogger bekster said...

I know what you mean. I think that is weird too. ("Out of the same mouth come praise and cursing. My brothers, this should not be." -James 3:10) Still, the fact that they even put that song on there could be a good sign... OR, it could just mean that the world is becoming desensitized to religion as religious people are becoming desensitized to the world.

I agree with Tommy, though, too that we have no idea who might have been reached by that song. That might be the only kind of exposure to Christ that some people are receptive to.

But, I still think it's weird.

9:41 PM  

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