Thursday, December 13, 2007

Third-hand Christmas List

Secondhand Christmas List

Pinched from Larry Salley

1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Paper, hands down. If you can't RIP the package open it ain't a Christmas gift!

2. Real tree or artificial? I'm content with our artificial tree for now. Our next one will be pre-lit. If only the Frasier Fir scent could be genuinely captured...

3. When do you put up the tree? Shortly after Thanksgiving.

4. When do you take the tree down? Usually the week after Christmas.

5. Do you like eggnog? Yes!

6. Favorite gift received as a child? Wow, hard to pick one that stands out. Bike, I guess. Every bike I remember (3 of them) I got as a Christmas gift.

7. Have a nativity scene? Sure, why not?

8. Hardest person to buy for? Well, I only shop for one, really. She is VERY hard to find a suitable gift for, but I have ZERO problems buying for her. Besides her, my kid's grandparents.

9. Easiest person to buy for? Older daughter.

10. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? Don't really have one that jumps to mind.

11. Mail or email Christmas cards? Mail. It's a hassle, though. We're just too busy.

12. Favorite Christmas Movie? Miracle On 34th Street - the original one in black & white.

13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? As soon as she tells me what she wants!

14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No way.

15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? The casserole we have on Christmas morning. I just love breakfast food, and that is always a VERY happy breakfast. The first cup of coffee on Christmas morning is also my favorite cup of coffee all year.

16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Clear, but ours are frosted. Which is nice.

17. Favorite Christmas song? "The Christmas Song" (Chestnuts roasting...) Though almost NONE of my personal Christmas experience is reflected in the lyric, growing up in Charleston, and in the CoC. (grin)

18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Let's not discuss this.

19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeer? Yes. Especially if you let me sing them...

20. Angel on top of the tree or star? Angel

21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? One on Eve, the rest in the morning.

22. Most annoying thing about this time of year? The ads. Well, that and REALLY RUDE shoppers.

23. What I love most about Christmas? Waking up next to my wife that morning, then seeing the joy on our girls' faces.

24. Best Christmas dessert? Chocolate covered pretzels. Actually any time of year. Dark chocolate only, please. (or white - just NOT milk chocolate!)


Blogger Goode Design said...

hey, here's what i answered w/ larry's blog:
1. could care less.
2. could care less.
3. well, this year... we saved the time and didn't even bother (boy, i'm a real Bah-Humbug so far)
4. see previous.
5. Is that alcoholic? I like New Castle!
6. first CD playing radio thingie.... having been an Acappella fanatic, i needed something that could produce more volume than I could.
7. yes. in a box somewhere... on a side note... it's incomplete... it's lacking a few pieces... namely: Satan... and if you don't think he was present, read Revelation Chapter 12 again.
8. that changes from year to year...
9. Me. i always know what I want... sounds selfish... but it is true!
10. anything that can be categorized as a: "Nick-Knack!"
11. Mail them... 1. it has the tactile factor. 2. it gets me away from a computer. 3. there's always the hope you put money in it. 4. If it's a funny card, then it's an added bonus. (serious, i like funny cards... not poetic ones...)
12. Lord of the Rings. no, i'm not kidding.
13. January. again, not kidding... Goal: done by november. this year we were late!
14. yes. happily... if i don't want it, someone might... or it hits the trash. i don't have time or space to keep crap i don't want. sell it and give the money is also an option.
15. fave to eat: food... preferably of the dead-animal variety.
16. well, seeing how the tree question developed... let's see if you can guess
17. The one they don't play during xmas on the radio or in stores... y'know, i think i like easter songs better.
18. well, seeing as how i may have to drive a total of 2 hours over the entire holiday... either works... but the traditions die hard... we'll be doing the same thing for years to come. traveling to Forest City.
19. Yes. It's not well known that Santa actually replaced all 8 last year... Per chance, one landing on a roof top in NC was a tragic story of landing while 4 of the best deer hunters in NC shot all scored double kills when spottig the little fat red guy... well, now we all know the names of the 8... Doug, Randy, Elroy, Spencer, Gary, Bill, Eddie & Tammy... What, you ain't never heard of Tammy the feminist lesbian democrat reindeer?
20. What, flaming bunny wasn't a choice? I think the answer to the Tree question hits this one as well.
21. well, half on xmas eve... the other half on xmas day. Then there's Hannukah presents, and Kwanza.. Did i mention Festivus?
22. The fact that people will spend more than they make and not have it paid off until november of the next year... then they repeat the process. cold weather is a close second.
23. Seeing my friends and family. I could go without getting a single present and have time with my dad and it would be a great day regardless the time of year.
24. anything without nuts that contains the word "chocolate" in the description.

12:51 AM  
Blogger Coach Sal said...

Not only are you recyling my blog post, Pete's recycling his own comment! Amen to the Christmas casserole and that cup of joe (Starbuck's bold Christmas Blend, if you please). And roger that on the Charleston CoC Christmas. If there was a song about wearing shorts to a Dec 25th service where the sermon was on why Santa is a pagan, now THAT could be our song! (In all seriousness, I had an old dude at church this oast week try to harrangue me about the pagan origins of the Christmas tree. I didn't have the heart to tell him I also go to a mid-week Episcopal service every week this time of year so I can get my fix of the advent wreath. He would have had a coronary.)

1:51 PM  
Blogger Goode Design said...

yup, recycling.... it's the thing to do. it's called conservation of effort.

i like the put the Christ back in christmas argument to not saying Xmas when X is clearly the greek letter Chi which is the first letter of the Greek word from which we derive christ which means Messiah.

For one thought, I love the old C of C motto "speak where the bible speaks and be silent where the bible is silent," a phrase that is clearly not found in scripture... thus it is quite the paradoxical statement... though one might argue that the book of Revelation does assert that addition, altering or exclusion of scriptural truth is wrong. But this is a point not wasted on just about any of the "bible believing brotherhood."

It's a great thing to be armed with a plank in ones eye. Without it, how would we beat the specks out of our brothers eyes?

To that point, I did hear one enthusiastic young Christ-follower write a catchy tune called "Santa is Satan."

7:35 PM  

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