Friday, December 07, 2007

Free markets? (and other stuff)

Larry said - "Question--what do you think of the proposed subprime bailout?"

I hate it.

I have yet to see one example of the government meddling in the free market that was not a disincentive to responsibility.

I am not without empathy for those truly taken advantage of by unscrupulous lenders. I do not think there are as many of those as some of the "talking heads" on CNBC have said. More than that, though, is the lesson that will NOT be learned by not having to absorb the real consequences for stupidity.

Related, but different - I am not sure whether or not the market is yet "healthy." The market is addicted to the crack of Fed funds rate cuts. Things are "awful, we need another 50 basis point cut NOW!" Yet we are only about 500 points below our all-time high. I do not see the crisis that many on CNBC see. My preference would be for next week's FOMC meeting to decide to leave the rates alone. Given the jobs market, the apparent resilience of the consumer, and the government intervention in the housing market, I don't see the need for a further stimulus at this time. I actually think the Fed will cut rates - but I would prefer that they did not.

Totally unrelated - I'm just not feeling the "Christmas Spirit" so far this year. I don't know why. Perhaps the weather has played a part - "Oh, the weather outside is spring-like..." It is supposed to hit 72 degrees this weekend.

Totally unrelated - I'm really enjoying working with our Praise Team. There is a fresh energy in the group that is really encouraging me. Our church family is struggling to figure out how to be more outward-focused. But I feel our PT can help by helping our family rally around our corporate worship times. I am also very blessed to be a part of our small group. I love those people!


Blogger Coach Sal said...

That's what I thought you'd say.

BTW--It is a goal of mine to begin most conversations with you with the word "dude," as you are the guy who introduced me to its incredible multifaceted uses.

12:48 PM  

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