Monday, October 22, 2007

Another day, another year, another...

This is the 10th anniversary of the only birthday that has ever bothered me. On that birthday - perhaps that very day - my metabolism shifted WAY down VERY suddenly. Before then, I could eat any amount of any food at any time of day and not gain an ounce. That ended like a flash of lightning. I could bounce back from injury quickly. Gone. I could stay up late and hardly pay for it at all. Over.

This time I'm just trying to be thankful. Perspective changes - I hope for the wiser.

Emotions have been mostly better lately. The valleys are not as deep, nor do they last as long. I have an appt. coming up with my cardiologist, and we will talk about this, among other things. I want my Lipitor dose to come down. I'm taking the 80mg dose, which is the largest one they make. My cholesterol was not THAT high to start with. I do not want to risk liver damage to lower a cholesterol number that wasn't ALL that high to begin with. We'll see what he says.


Blogger Coach Sal said...

Dude, I feel you. A week ago, I became the proud owner of my first-ever set of rotary nose-hair clippers. And I've reigned myself to the fact that I may never run fast again. What feels "fast," or at least "hard" now is so darned slow that it is depressing. I guess I should count my blessings that I can still poke along. See you at the retreat!

11:37 AM  
Blogger Paul Murphy said...

Mike I have a question.
The other day I was thinking about our worship service. I keep finding things that catch my attention.

1. What's up with a praise team? I'm not sure I get the purpose. Is it like a guitar for the a capella service?

2. What's up with music with notes? I find myself pressured to sing the right notes. It bothers me when I'm not singing the notes on the screen. Should I throw away the song book?

3. Does how a service sound affect its quality? At least to some people?

8:33 PM  

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