Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Back from vacation

We had a great week at Folly Beach, but I was correct - it was a "transition year." There is a very good chance that our next family vaction will NOT be at Folly Beach, but perhaps in the mountains, or something else. The primary driver here is that the kids are getting older, and it is a little harder for them to just play together. Their interests and the way they play on the beach are very different than they were when they were all younger. We could have them all bring friends on the vacation, but that changes things too much, I think. So we're looking for some other way for us to all get together and have common experiences. The grown-ups are just fine at the beach - relaxing, reading, playing in the water, etc. But the kids need something else, so we're now beginning the search for whatever that is. There is one thought that perhaps a "mountain retreat" with lots of options would be good. We have a little time to sort this out - but not much!

So now it's back to work (ugh!) and stepping up the training for the 10K on Labor Day. I was able to run the new Cooper River Bridge one morning while in Charleston. It's really beautiful - but without the old ones there the silhouette of the city will be radically different - those 2 old bridges were a signature part of the look of Charleston. Ah, well, everything changes in its time.


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