Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Time for school!

Our homeschool officially resumes tomorrow. Natalie has been putting in a LOT of work to get ready - both for homeschooling and for teaching history at Master's Academy again. They will be teaching the Classical time period this year - so lots of GREAT music on tap. (last year was the Baroque time period, so GREAT music there too!) The classical time period coincides with the American Revolution, so there is a LOT of great material that the girls will be studying this year. I think it would be really cool to get the old "Schoolhouse Rock" song of the Preamble to the Constitution so we could all learn that important text. Ahh, homeschooling. Such fun.

We also enjoyed our first day with the new 5th grade class on Sunday morning. It seems like a good group of kids - and they laughed at a lot of my wisecracks, so that's a good sign! It'll be interesting having Lauren and her friends in class every week. (interesting = good, I hope!) Ahh, teaching Sunday School. Such fun.

We had another band rehearsal last night. I get frustrated when many others prepare so little for our group time. I guess I need to take more ownership of preparation for rehearsal - but most times when I do I get pushback from some members of the group, like I'm stepping on toes somehow. Can't win - it seems the best thing to do is just charge forward and set the agenda. OK, I can do that. Ahh, group dynamics. Such fun.

We do seem to be getting more dates lined up for performance, which is good. Past experience has demonstrated that this group REQUIRES a reason to get together. We've all TALKED about "keeping it going" but it never happens unless we have a scheduled performance - grown-up life tends to get in the way. Ahh, priorities. Such fun.

Hope you have "such fun" too! Blessings!


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