Monday, August 01, 2005

End of summer bash

What can I say? It went better than I hoped. We had several challenges for the day, but in the end I think it sounded pretty good. It still surprises me that we're able to sing a set of nothing but Contemporary Christian songs at BH. I'm happy to report that there were many in the audience singing along with every song we did. (Though, honestly, I wonder how much clearance with the Elders was obtained ahead of time... or how much is required.)

Lauren and Rachel return home this evening. I'm SO ready for them to be home again. Natalie is working hard to get the school year ready - both for homeschool and for Master's Academy. I can hardly believe that Lauren will be a 5th grader. And Rachel in kindergarten. (relatively speaking, of course)

We're wrestling with what to do regarding Lauren's musical training. She seems quite burned out on piano, but I really don't want her to stop developing formally in music. I think she is a good singer, but I really want her to take ownership of developing her musical gifts more fully. I'm also not all that interested in buying every instrument that comes to her mind, just so she can try it. I guess it's just hard being 10 years old. I remember it being hard for me too, but I didn't wrestle at all with whether or not to continue in music. I guess we'll see what happens...


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