Thursday, July 26, 2007

Thursday Update

Been an interesting day. Around 10:30 last night I got to move to a "regular" room - no longer in CCU (cardiac care unit, like ICU for cardiac patients - good grief, it's so weird to describe MYSELF with those words!). Thus, late last evening I had the most wonderful experience - I got to take a SHOWER! I slept much better as well - far fewer interruptions (only 2).

Today has been a little different. My arrhythmia has been acting up a bit too much. Probably due to my impatience, wanting to see too many of the visitors that are coming to see us and wish us well. I truly appreciate all the kindnesses that have been shown to me, and to Natalie especially.

I was on a "steady the heartbeat" drip medicine until 10am, and I'm theorizing that my heart is now trying to adjust to maintaining a steady rhythm without the chemical assistance. (this is NOT verified with any medical professional - but I won't let that stop me from theorizing...) I had a rough patch after lunchtime today, but things seem to have settled down in my chest for now. However, I'm not even allowed to get out of bed to pee!!! This is NOT an exciting development. Y'know, it really is the little things that make a difference.

Can somebody bring me a personal pan pepperoni, please? With extra hot peppers sprinkled generously on top? The "cardiac diet" really stinks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


I'm thinking God has more for you to do ~ I will continue to pray for your recovery to be swift and complete. I've already offered up a prayer of thanksgiving!

XOXOX Jeannie C.

PS Why do you need a pizza with all that gourmet hospital food???

9:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI: I called the dietician at the hospital, and they said the pizza was no problem, as long as they could put it in the blender, liqufify it, remove all remnants of taste, mix it with jello, and add green food coloring.

Reminds me of the guy who goes to see his doctor. The guy has a carrot up his nose, a cucumber in his left ear and a banana in his right ear. He says, "Doc, I feel lousy, whaddya think is wrong?"

Doc says, "You're just not eating properly..."

I'll be here all week, don't forget to tip your nurses...

9:33 AM  

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