Saturday, February 17, 2007

Back and Forth (or, Forth and Back)

Well, things happen that you cannot control - you can only control your reaction to them. We have had a couple people from my old team at work (the one I left) leave the company, so I am "on loan" to that team for the next 2-3 months. I do not like it, but I am willing to do it.

Honestly - with my 2-3 year view towards getting out of the work force (due to my stock trading class) I'm really not that bothered. But it is not as enjoyable (or challenging in a good way) as the learning mode I have been in. It is challenging - but more in a "same old same old" kind of way. Perhaps if the company sales force started selling our product and there was new energy/momentum around it I would feel differently. But, hey - it's just work. It is not my life, it is not who I am.

We had a house full of females last night - both girls had friends over for a sleepover. Hey - I'm already used to being the only guy, so no big deal.

Natalie and I watched a DVD lent by a friend - Celtic Woman. It was a great show! The singers were SO talented, artistically and technically. Highly recommended!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you don't mind me asking a pointed personal question...

In response to your comment, "it's just work. It is not my life, it is not who I am," WHO are you then? And how do you figure that out? I am curious because most men derive their identities from their careers, but you are claiming that is not true for you. Obviously, I am not a man, and I do not have any desire for a "career," but still it is difficult to figure out where my identiy should come from. (Yeah, I know, we should get our identity from God, our role in our family--wife/mom/whatever--and so forth... that is probably the "right" answer, but I am thinking about my identiy as myself outside of the context of other people, if that is possible.)

11:53 AM  

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