Wednesday, October 08, 2008

ZOE - Fearless

Natalie and I enjoyed a little escape to Nashville. It was a good time. We enjoyed visiting (briefly) with friends from all over. We enjoyed some challenging and informative sessions. We participated in heart-stirring worship.

The theme was an interesting one. I was surprised (relative to my expectations) that the theme was a little more internally-focused than recent themes. There was, it seemed, a little less "missional" stuff in this year's conference. That is not a bad thing, necessarily, just different from my expectations.

I will confess that the last session of the conference - a dramatic presentation of nearly all of the book of Revelation - left me a little flat. It was good, for what it was, but it was not the same kind of "outro" that I've come to expect. It was a combination of preaching/reading (MOSTLY reading) and a recitation by someone dressed up as John. They basically read Revelation to us. The "wow factor" of someone dressed as a first-century person wore off for me some 20 years ago when we started doing that at PBC. But the biggest obstacle for me was that the fine performance of the character of John (really, he did a good job) used a voice that reminded me WAY TOO MUCH of "Tim" from "In Search of the Holy Grail," where Tim is warning of the peril of the killer rabbit. I just could not get that voice out of my head...

The best thing was seeing Natalie relax little by little as the weekend progressed. We had great conversation on the way up and on the way back. (We may have listened to the new ZOE CD on the way up (while talking), but we just talked all the way home.) I really enjoyed the time with just her. Why is it so hard to make time for that on an everyday basis? I love my wife. She is beautiful (and pretty). She is interesting to me. She has a heart for God. I am truly blessed.


Blogger bekster said...

What exactly is Zoe? I have wondered this for some time. Is it a company? A non-profit organization? I know that they have these conferences and that they put out worship songs, but what is their origin and intent?

Also, what does the word "Zoe" mean?

10:07 PM  
Blogger MichaelPolutta said... - they are a non-profit organization dedicated to worship renewal.

ZOE means "spiritual life". Read "Mere Christianity" by C. S. Lewis.

10:48 PM  

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