Thursday, April 16, 2009

I think I need a vacation

Just feeling kind of "meh" as my daughter would say.

Natalie and the girls went to Maryland for Spring Break. I stayed home because it was not a good time to take off work. I always enjoy the first couple days on my own. I can work on whatever project I want to, when I want to, guilt-free. This usually lasts 2, maybe 3, days. After that my selfish time is spent, and I'm ready for them to return. (Mostly, I got a lot of things done to the car that I've wanted to do for some time.) I also tend to cook in larger portions, so I end up eating the same 1 or 2 dinner meals for the entire time they're gone. This time it was grilled burgers and BBQ pork on the menu repeatedly (and alternately). I'm still refining my Carolina-style BBQ sauce (apple cider vinegar based "sauce"), but it is very good as it is. When everyone returned they worked HARD to finish the BBQ, and it did not last long at all.

I'm in the process of joining a band. One of my old band mates, Keith, has hooked up with some other fellows who are quite talented, as well as having similar music tastes. I think this will be fun. It will be nice to play out again. They were all suitably impressed with my home-built amplifier.

I may have a commission to build a small bass amp. That will be cool too.

On a larger-scale note, I am deeply dismayed by the direction our government seems to be heading. I fear for our economy, even more than I did 6 months ago. The amount of currency that has been put into circulation is staggering and unprecedented. Inflation (significant inflation) is the only reasonable result. Unless the Federal Reserve begins taking most of that money out of the supply (unlikely, especially given the scale of government spending that is proposed), and quickly, we are going to be hurt as a country and as individual families. The further reach of government into more and more aspects of private life, the "nanny state" if you will, is absolutely the WRONG direction, in my opinion. My wife and I continue to pray that we will always see God's hand in control of our lives, that our strength and trust will be in Him in every dimension. Right now that thought is taking me to the absolute limits of my faith. It does not feel good at all. I do not feel good at all. Ominous, dark clouds are all I see. Ugh.


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