Friday, November 18, 2005

The stomach thing and the job thing...

The stomach thing - Last week it was in my house. The past 2 days it has been in ME. Ugh. It is almost gone now. I'm thankful that I'm able to work from the house. It has been necessary to be RIGHT NEXT to the bathroom. I am thankful to have had this the week before Thanksgiving rather than the week of!

Things at work are... interesting. It all feels very "up in the air" right now. Not that I think I'm going to lose my job or anything - at least not soon. But MA has a significant presence in Bangalore, India. Our very small team will likely be adding headcount over there as well. And we will have a LOT of training and documentation to do to enable that. Somehow. While moving forward with the next release and handling all the customer emergencies that happen along the way. And then what? As part of the purchase of Evant, we were all given a financial incentive to stay with MA for one year. I will certainly do that, for my part at least. I am somewhat hopeful that other opportunities within MA will open up in that time frame. I prefer to stay rather than to hop around. I was with Circuit City for 10 years, and have been with this series of companies (SCS/Nonstop, Evant, MA) for almost 6. But the software industry (like many others) is in a state of flux. The "global marketplace" is changing the rules, and quickly! I am considering some "ongoing education" to position myself for other opportunities. Yet I also see the possibility of being trapped in the position I am in now, since there are so few with the technology and domain skill set that I have - in other words, MA may not be able to afford to give me those other opportunities because it will be difficult to backfill the position I would leave. (Not because I'm some gift to the Software Engineering world, but because I can solve the issues that come up more quickly than most due to experience.) I don't know - it's all very disconcerting, especially if I start to think that it's all up to me, that I'm "in control." I am not. My God is in control. He does allow "bad things" to happen, but almost always to His higher purpose, and He is always able to work it out for His higher purpose, even when there is no way to call the incident "good". He has a view of things that I do not have. He is GOD, I am not.

Lord, I do believe. Please help me in my unbelief!


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