Monday, March 07, 2005

Wow - I've been neglecting this thing!

Hello again Blog World. We've had a lot going on since I last posted (over 2 months! sorry)

We celebrated Lauren's 10th birthday. All four of us got sick with the flu. No fun. The Ladies' Retreat that my wife directed was a wonderful blessing to our church.

Now our church is going through a really tough transition. Our minister has resigned to pursue a "church plant" that will not look like (or be called) a CoC at all (which I think is a good thing). 3 of our elders have resigned as well to go with the plant (not as elders).

So we have a lot of "discovery" to do. What will Burnt Hickory look like now? Where will the leadership lead? What will the theology of the new church be? WHAT IS BEST FOR OUR FAMILY?!?

God, please grant us wisdom and vision. And patience (ugh!).