Thursday, December 21, 2006

I'm a guy, but it means something to me...

As the father of daughters, I am very interested in what we in the CoC winkingly refer to as the "role of women." I heard another phrase that I like better, because I think it's more accurate (and indicting) - "what men allow women to do."

There are enough differences just in what Paul told different churches (or in the case of Corinth, perhaps the SAME church) that my position is we cannot take what Paul says on this topic and make it universally applicable. There are enough examples of and references to women in leadership (certainly in public speaking) roles that I must disagree with the "traditional CoC position" on this topic. From that perspective, it pains me to see us in the CoC remain a "boys club" from an up-front-role perspective. It saddens me to think of all we have missed. And it motivates me to be a change-agent (uh-oh!) on behalf of my daughters. (I would say for my wife as well, but she does not want an up-front role.)

I think we need to repent!!!

Yes, I know it will be uncomfortable, even painful for some. But if we need to REPENT, we need to do so NOW. We don't suggest that anyone with a habitual sin, especially a sin that is hurting people, gradually stop. We suggest that they REPENT! It is obvious that it is what must be done. I think we're in that same boat now. For FAR too long we've sinned in this way. Every week that goes by is another brick in some girl's wall against Christ's bride. Not good. I do not wish to divide, but I DO wish to motivate change. May I do so with the love of Christ, for His glory and His purpose.

Monday, December 04, 2006

'Tis the season...

Something about 71 degrees just doesnt' say "Holiday Spirit" to me, so I kinda like that it is cold now. I've always liked sleeping under lots of heavy blankets with the heat turned down. When I was a single guy in Richmond, I used to turn OFF the heat in my apartment at night - and it would get COLD in there. But I had this REALLY HEAVY quilt, plus a couple other blankets, and it was never a problem. There are too many females in the house for me to get away with that now! (grin) Did you know that water freezes at 32 degrees, but many women freeze at 62?

Things are going pretty well. I'm about to transition from one team to another at work. This will feel strange - I've worked with the current team for almost 7 years. But I'm looking forward to being in a learning mode again.

Practice for the stock stuff is up and down - but that is to be expected at this point. The first year of practice is primarily about finding the proper entry point for trades. Some I get JUST RIGHT, some are JUST WRONG. There is MUCH learning yet to come. I'm very excited about the once-a-month class I'll be taking next year. It will be a challenge to get there some times, but I am absolutely confident that it will be worth the sacrifice.

My family continues to bless me. Natalie and Lauren attended the Revolve Tour this weekend, and all reports are that it was a very impactful time. Rachel and I enjoyed some time for just us - and she liked Ahi Tuna from Zyng! (She didn't want to try the wasabi, though. I'm patient...)