Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Blessing and responsibility

We are a blessed people in this country. Yet many struggle with a lack (or in some cases a perceived lack) of opportunity. Jesus' teachings seem to speak to both rich and poor, and how each should behave. Though he warns about riches getting in the way, he also instructs those who are blessed regarding how they should think about their possessions, as well as how they should act regarding them.

As I continue down the path of learning to trade the stock market, I think often about how to think about money, and how to regard my blessings. I believe I have been given this opportunity to accomplish some of the work of God in the world. Please pray that I handle this well.

How do you deal with your level of "blessedness"? It would be tragic indeed if anyone who even semi-regularly reads this would ever consider themselves to be anything but rich.

Here's another thought - what do you think of Paul's warning in Romans 13:8 regarding debt? I confess that until recently I have given this zero thought. I did not hesitate at all to borrow to buy a house or a car. What do you think?

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who I am, what I do

My friend Becky has asked a VERY important, and very difficult, question. Let me start with a weaselly answer. I stated that my job is what I do, not who I am. It is likely true that this is an aspirational goal, rather than a realized truth in my life.

Nonetheless, I am about to face this head-on. The stock trading class I am in is intended to replace my current source of income (many times over!) such that I will not depend on my job for income. One warning that we received in the February class is that we need to plan for having a lot more time to fill. Many of the things we enjoy doing will lose some luster once we are free to do them as often as we like - it is the infrequency that helps keep the enjoyment level (and perception of "release") high. I have big dreams for what I will be able to help make happen - stated more clearly, I hope/plan to participate in a BIG way in what God has going on, in a different way than I have in the past. (If what I just said is not clear to you, I'm okay with that.)

That said, while I do receive some "validation as a person" from my work, the way my career has gone over the past several years has shown me that my identity MUST come from another source. I have been humbled, yet sustained, by how things have gone for me. I have also learned that I have allowed my career to happen, rather than developing and executing a plan for my career. I am now trying to develop a detailed plan for how to transition from my current career to trading for a living - and how the trading will develop and grow over time. This is new to me - planning for success! (isn't that sad...) Like I said, I have tended to let things happen and just try to take advantage of opportunities that came to me, rather than planning what I WANT to have happen and working toward that.

The moments where I find myself MOST enthused and fulfilled by what I'm doing are in the context of music. Whether leading worship or playing guitar (or, gasp!... BOTH AT THE SAME TIME!) I find my deepest joy vocationally/avocationally in this realm. Who knows, maybe I'll go to school for music once I am not dependent on a full-time job for income!

At the core, however - my identity is in my relationships. With my Lord, with my family, with friends, and yes, with co-workers. In the upper-right corner of this screen is a little blurb about me - I hope that this is from where I choose to take my identity.

It is tough being a grown-up!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Back and Forth (or, Forth and Back)

Well, things happen that you cannot control - you can only control your reaction to them. We have had a couple people from my old team at work (the one I left) leave the company, so I am "on loan" to that team for the next 2-3 months. I do not like it, but I am willing to do it.

Honestly - with my 2-3 year view towards getting out of the work force (due to my stock trading class) I'm really not that bothered. But it is not as enjoyable (or challenging in a good way) as the learning mode I have been in. It is challenging - but more in a "same old same old" kind of way. Perhaps if the company sales force started selling our product and there was new energy/momentum around it I would feel differently. But, hey - it's just work. It is not my life, it is not who I am.

We had a house full of females last night - both girls had friends over for a sleepover. Hey - I'm already used to being the only guy, so no big deal.

Natalie and I watched a DVD lent by a friend - Celtic Woman. It was a great show! The singers were SO talented, artistically and technically. Highly recommended!

Sunday, February 04, 2007

A quick call my wife won't like

Colts, and they'll cover the spread (7 points).

(My wife grew up in Baltimore. If you don't get why that matters, LOOK IT UP!)

Friday, February 02, 2007

Another thing I do not understand

This may be naive, but...

I don't get why W is so hated. Why is he singled out for blame when nearly EVERY politician in DC approved of the Iraq war, and agreed with the conclusions regarding WMD (for one example). Is there any rationality to this hatred? What does it say about our country and our culture?

I do not understand Venezuela

Wow. Hugo Chavez has UNLIMITED power within the borders of Venezuela. He has been given "rule by decree." He has said he wants to see major Venezuelan power and telecoms companies come under state control. He has also called for an end to foreign ownership of lucrative crude oil refineries in the Orinoco region. Who knows what else he will do?

What are these people thinking?!? (the question may be assuming facts not in evidence) Where has socialism worked? I'm certain that I do not know much about life in Venezuela, but... wow. Rule by decree.

Too much power for one man. Period. With likely international implications. God help us all.