If they weren't writing the day and date on the wall whiteboard I would be having a very hard time keeping track of what day it is.
I had a good night of rest. I did stay up a little later than I intended because I needed them to move the I.V. "stick" from my left elbow (where it had been since I was admitted on Tuesday) because my upper arm is red, swollen, and very tender. There was some miscommunication so the I.V. nurse did not come right away. Nonetheless, my I.V. is now in my right hand and I'm hoping that the phlebitis (what they called the red, swollen, tenderness in my arm) goes away quickly. It really hurts, even just to straighten my arm.
Natalie and I just went to my first "cardiac class." They explained the process of the blockage formation (not sure that applies to me, I plan to query my doctor very specifically about what they saw in my arteries), what the stent does immediately and over time, and their offerings for ongoing education. I will begin "cardiac rehab" next month so they'll be easing me into an exercise regimen on a monitored basis, which does bring me comfort. I will probably pop for one of those chest heart rate monitors to wear whenever I workout - any recommendations?
I'm looking forward to talking with my doctor when he comes by (soon, I hope). I like the folks here, they've been great (really, great) but I don't want to be here any longer.
More news as it comes... Thank you SO much for your prayers and concern.
Supplemental update (I was tempted to call this "Captain's Log, supplemental")
Perhaps there was a plaque issue after all. I won't be able to ask the doctor who performed the procedure until next week. He is visiting the other hospitals where he also works and has a couple days off. The other doctor who has visited me Wednesday and today said that it likely was a clot that broke off from a plaque deposit.
I'm actually putting this out here now to help force myself to "live in the real world" and not deceive myself for even a moment that I will not have to make SOME "lifestyle changes."
Again, more info as it comes.